Wyndham at a glance

There are a lot of interesting, sometimes little known, facts about Wyndham, like the people who live in the community, how old are they? Where do they come from? Here’s a quick look at Wyndham now and where it’s projected to go in the future.

  • As of August 2016, the population of Wyndham is 217,122. Since 2011, 55,545 new residents have settled in Wyndham, making it the second fastest growing municipality in Victoria.
  • The largest age group in Wyndham is 30 to 34 years, with a population of 23,466. This is followed by 0 to 4 years with 21,381.
  • Between 2011 and 2016 the number of persons aged under 19 grew by 36%.
  • The average household size is 3.1 people and 46% of those households have children.
  • The top five countries of birth for Wyndham residents (excluding Australia) were India, New Zealand, Philippines, China and England.
  • 41% of people speak a language other than English at home.
  • Wyndham has the largest population in the western metro Melbourne area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people.
  • The populations and households of Wyndham City for 2036 are forecast to be 424,476 and 146,998 respectively.
  • By 2036, residents aged 65+ are projected to increase by 143%.  

As the figures suggest, Wyndham’s population of young families is growing, making it ideal for residents of Grace who have plans of raising their own family in their new community. It also appears as though residents are choosing to remain in Wyndham long-term given the projected increase in elderly residents.

All variables aside, the figures show that Wyndham City is fast becoming a desirable place for people to live and that’s exactly what our future residents have recognised too. Read the full snapshot report of Wyndham here.